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Celebrating Women in Business at Langley Chamber's "Women's Leadership Luncheon"

Celebrating Women in Business at Langley Chamber's "Women's Leadership Luncheon"

Celebrating Women in Business at Langley Chamber's "Women's Leadership Luncheon"

A sold out crowd of over 175 women business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs came together for the Langley Chamber's annual Women's Leadership Luncheon hosted by its Langley Women's Business Network on March 12. 

The event brought together women from all levels, sectors and stages of business to meet, connect, and explore collaborations during a lively networking reception -- featuring the fan-favourite mimosa bar --  before enjoying a lunch and engaging panel discussion,

The panel featured Lisa Campardo (RBC Royal Bank), Carly Moir (White Canvas Design), Elaine Carelse (Orion Construction), and Vivian A. Smith (Liberty Quest Enterprises) engaged in a compelling discussion, moderated by Laurie Shopland (Shopland Coaching). Their candid reflections made for an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation on building up and advancing women in business. 

Photos from the event are available for view and download here >  

For invitations to upcoming Langley Women's Business Network events, sign up here > 

And the Chamber offers our thanks to the sponsors of this program:

Platinum Sponsors:


Gold Sponsors: