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Chamber Applauds Township Mayor and Council on Mobile Business License Move

Chamber Applauds Township Mayor and Council on Mobile Business License Move

Chamber Applauds Township Mayor and Council on Mobile Business License Move

The Langley Chamber is applauding Township Mayor Eric Woodward and Council for unanimously supporting a move to seek to expand access to "mobile" business licenses for Langley Township businesses.   

An Intermunicipal Business Licence (IMBL) allows certain mobile businesses to operate legally in more than one municipality with a special business licence, rather than by having to obtain separate business licences in each municipality in which they want operate.  There are several IMBL programs across the province with different municipalities involved in each.  Expanding these programs to make it easier to do business is a priority and advocacy ask of the Chamber. 
At Monday's council meeting, Township Council directed staff to work on getting the Township included in the "Metro West" IMBL program, which includes Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Surrey and Delta. This would allow Langley Township businesses to be able to get a special business license that would allow them to work and take jobs across all 6 of those municipalities without having to go, apply, and pay for individual licenses in each -- as is required now.   This would provide significant savings for businesses in both time and money, making it easier for Langley businesses to be successful. 

Township staff will now work on requesting access to the "Metro West" program, and drafting any needed new or amended bylaws required to implement this expansion. 

Currently, Langley is part of the "Fraser Valley" IMBL program, which includes a dozen south of the Fraser and Valley municipalities.  Getting additional access to the "Metro West" program will mean Langley businesses would be able to work easily right across our region, from Vancouver to Hope.   Thanks for Mayor and Council for responding to the needs of Township business on this issue.