​Changes Coming to 264th Overpass
​Changes Coming to 264th Overpass

As part of the Highway 1 expansion project, changes are coming to the 264th St. overpass, as the project moves towards the complete replacement of the 264th interchange.
The loop on-ramp that takes drivers from 264th onto Highway 1 westbound further into Langley and onto Vancouver will be closed, with a closure date scheduled for this Saturday, March 22. Drivers heading north on 264 Street to Highway #1 will instead be redirected to turn left at a new left turn signal at the intersection on the north side of the overpass. This was originally slated for March 15 but was delayed for weather.
The loop on-ramp that takes drivers from 264th onto the highway going eastbound, to Abbotsford, will be closed Saturday, March 29. This date is also subject to weather allowing final paving. Drivers heading south on 264 Street will instead likewise turn left at a new left-turn signal onto the existing onramp to Highway 1 east.
The Langley Chamber will be meeting with the project team on these changes, and other upcoming works, as this much needed replacement of the 264th overpass gets underway.
For information on the project, visit gov.bc.ca/fraser-valley-highway1 and or click the image below. And if you have questions, concerns, or ideas on the project, please contact the Chamber directly >