Langley RCMP Speak to Business Community on Crime Prevention, Homelessness, Fraud, and Public Safety
Langley RCMP Speak to Business Community on Crime Prevention, Homelessness, Fraud, and Public Safety

A panel of six RCMP officers representing a variety of departments including mental health, serious crimes, and community policing, joined Superintendent Adrian Marsden for his annual presentation to the Langley business community at the Langley Chamber on April 18.
Nearly 100 business and community professionals joined the event to hear from the Officer in Charge on the priorities of the RCMP and the various ways they force has been working to tackle property crime, address impacts of homelessness, and enhance public safety in the Township and City of Langley.
Short presentations from the Superintendent and each of the RCMP departments were followed by a question and answer session, which focused on recent high-profile violent crimes in the region, the ongoing challenges of addiction, mental health and homelessness, and the possible separation of the Langley RCMP into a distinct Township and City forces.
View the slides shared by the RCMP here >