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Non-Profit Funding Opportunity --- Recovery and Resiliency Fund

Non-Profit Funding Opportunity --- Recovery and Resiliency Fund

Non-Profit Funding Opportunity --- Recovery and Resiliency Fund

A new grant program – the Recovery and Resiliency Fund -- has launched to support organizations whose staff, volunteers, programs and operations have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Funding will fill crucial gaps not covered by other funding sources, such as gaming grants, with a focus on building organizational resilience.  This program is designed to help organizations who have seen their organizational capacity decrease due to funding challenges (such as a decrease in unrestricting funding or other revenues) or staffing challenges (such as a decrease in volunteerism and difficulties finding and retaining key staff). 

Applications are now open until September 30, 2022. To learn more about the Fund, read our summary below and then visit the Recovery & Resiliency Fund webpage

Grant Amounts:
The Recovery and Resiliency Fund is offering three-year, flexible base grants of $50,000 per year for BC non-profits.

There is a potential top-up of an additional $22,000 per year (to a total of $72,000/year) for organizations operating in partnership with, or led by, equity-seeking or underrepresented communities. (This could include women, underserved seniors, people experiencing domestic violence, LGBTQ2S+ communities, newcomers and racialized individuals, and others) 

There will be 144 grants given across the province.  In our region, there will be 5 base grants given of the $50,000 per year. There will be a further 13 grants given at the $72,000 per year amount, for those operating in partnership with or led by equity-seeking groups.


For the $50,000/year base grant:

  • Be a non-profit society or registered charity operating in BC on or before January 1, 2020 
  • Provides charitable benefit to the community they service.  Charitable status is not required -- as long as the organization’s purpose is to benefit the community-at-large, they’re eligible to apply.
  • Has an identifiable need to recover from the pandemic, a vision of its longer-term resiliency, and needs additional financial resources to realize its vision. 
  • Had an annual operating budget in 2020 and 2021 of less than $1 million.

For the $22,000 yearly top-up:

  • Must meet base grant eligibility
  • Be either an ‘Equity Partnership’ or ‘Equity Led’ organization in the Equity Matrix in at least 3 of the 4 attributes sections: Leadership, Values & Practices, Program & Team, Accountability to Community.

What Grant Funding Can Be Used For:

As the funding is meant to support long-term resiliency, it’s up to the discretion of the grantee to use the funding in whatever way needed to support those efforts.  This can include things such as:

  • Operating costs
  • Capacity building
  • Staffing costs
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Service delivery costs
  • Technology investments

It cannot be used for for debt retirement, reserves, mortgage pay-downs or large public infrastructure projects.

Activities and programs that take place primarily outside of BC are also not eligible for funding

​How to Apply

Indigenous-led organizations with annual revenues of more than $1 million

All other organizations

  • ​Applications province-wide are accepted through the Vancouver Foundation.
  • First, read the guidelines to ensure you are eligible and review the application process (guidelines)
  • Applications will be accepted through an online portal 


Progress and final reports will not be required and instead, grantees will be invited to discuss how the grant was used to support your organization’s recovery and resiliency, and any outcomes, challenges, or learnings you experienced

Key Dates:

  • September 30: Applications Close
  • October to November: Randomized selection process and validation begins until entire funding pool is committed
  • November to December: Selections and decisions will be communicated
  • November to December: Grants will be awarded