Translink Announces 200th Street BRT Corridor in Langley
Translink Announces 200th Street BRT Corridor in Langley

The Langley Chamber is excited to see today's announcement that Translink is prioritizing Bus Rapid Transit in Langley, likely along 200th street, through to Maple Ridge as part of the very first routes of this type of transit.
Bus Rapid Transit, or BRT, provides fast, regular, reliable bus service with dedicated lanes, priority at intersections, and limited stops and full stations, to provide rail-like service.
While exact routing, costs and funding sources have not been confirmed, Translink is committing to the project and to making the Langley-Haney corridor one of the first 3 routes prioritizes -- along with King George-White Rock and Metrotown-North Shore.
The Langley Chamber sees this infrastructure as an asset for Langley that will help connect our part of the region, provide more transit options for residents and workers, and make 200th street a fully-functioning corridor
Read about Translink's Bus-Rapid-Transit plans here >
Bus Rapid Transit, or BRT, provides fast, regular, reliable bus service with dedicated lanes, priority at intersections, and limited stops and full stations, to provide rail-like service.
While exact routing, costs and funding sources have not been confirmed, Translink is committing to the project and to making the Langley-Haney corridor one of the first 3 routes prioritizes -- along with King George-White Rock and Metrotown-North Shore.
The Langley Chamber sees this infrastructure as an asset for Langley that will help connect our part of the region, provide more transit options for residents and workers, and make 200th street a fully-functioning corridor
Read about Translink's Bus-Rapid-Transit plans here >