Bob Kalo - RE/MAX Treeland
Real Estate
M-F 8:00 - 7:00
Sat 8:00-7:00
Sun 10:00 - 5:00
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Your home is too small, a one bedroom condo and you have a new child, or a two bedroom condo or townhouse and you need more room, the process of moving in Langley, B.C. is daunting!
Where do I get the best property and investment advice from an experienced real estate agent in Langley, B.C.? How do I choose a real estate in Langley? How much is my home worth, how much can I many questions that sometimes its just as easy to stay put.
Let my 46+ years of real estate experience in Langley, BC and my 12 step MyMoveUp Program help by informing you of all of the processes involved, walking you through each step, and being by your side as you move to your next home that better suits your family. Your upsizing move made easy and effortless with both selling your home and buying a new home!
Rep/Contact Info

Mr. Bob Kalo
Sales Associate
- Phone: (604) 533-3491
- Cell Phone: (604) 720-4777
- Send an Email
- 101 - 6337 198 Street Langley BC V2Y 2E3